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Recently promoted Warren Averett Technology Group Administrative Service Manager Katherine Gray found trying to parse the information she needed and prepare reports and forecasts from her ConnectWise data time-consuming and less than enlightening. She spent too much time building external databases, exporting data, and finding SQL workarounds. She needed a solution that enabled her to quickly view, collate, and analyze her PSA data at a granular, actionable level.

Efficiency Pain Points Leading Warren Averett Technology
  • Complicated, multi-step process for mining ConnectWise data
  • Counterintuitive methods for “peeling the onion” to uncover the insights within
  • Technical, intensive applications that make data inaccessible to decision makers
  • Cumbersome reporting and limited visibility of key data

Recently promoted Warren Averett Technology Group Administrative Service Manager Katherine Gray found trying to parse the information she needed and prepare reports and forecasts from her ConnectWise data time-consuming and less than enlightening. She spent too much time building external databases, exporting data, and finding SQL workarounds. She needed a solution that enabled her to quickly view, collate, and analyze her PSA data at a granular, actionable level.

He needed a system that could point him to the right type of client and show him how to make unprofitable fixed-fee agreements start pulling their own weight.

Efficiency Pain Points Leading Warren Averett Technology
  • Complicated, multi-step process for mining ConnectWise data
  • Counterintuitive methods for “peeling the onion” to uncover the insights within
  • Technical, intensive applications that make data inaccessible to decision makers
  • Cumbersome reporting and limited visibility of key data

Recently promoted Warren Averett Technology Group Administrative Service Manager Katherine Gray found trying to parse the information she needed and prepare reports and forecasts from her ConnectWise data time-consuming and less than enlightening. She spent too much time building external databases, exporting data, and finding SQL workarounds. She needed a solution that enabled her to quickly view, collate, and analyze her PSA data at a granular, actionable level.

Efficiency Pain Points Leading Warren Averett Technology
  • Complicated, multi-step process for mining ConnectWise data
  • Counterintuitive methods for “peeling the onion” to uncover the insights within
  • Technical, intensive applications that make data inaccessible to decision makers
  • Cumbersome reporting and limited visibility of key data
Warren Averett Achieves Desired Outcomes with MSPCFO

Increased revenue by upselling existing clients

25 Hours Saved per Month

No SQL, no data exports; simple report generation


Added services for underserved clients to mitigate flight risk

Streamlined Operations

Analyzed engineering time use and added training to eliminate inefficiencies


Increased revenue by upselling existing clients

25 Hours Saved Per Month

No SQL, no data exports; simple report generation


Added services for underserved clients to mitigate flight risk

Streamlined Operations

Analyzed engineering time use and added training to eliminate inefficiencies

Katherine learned about MSPCFO from a co-worker and jumped at the chance to set up a demonstration. As a former engineer and business analyst with the company, she quickly saw the advantages of being able to drill into each fixed-fee agreement, client SLA, and engineering workflow.

“If you really want to deep dive into your profitability by agreement, employees’ projects, how you’re hitting or why you’re missing your targets, and where opportunities for growth exist, you have to take a more granular look, and it is essential to have MSPCFO,” Katherine said.​
How Warren Averett uses MSPCFO reports for Day-to-Day

She now uses MSPCFO’s pre-built, real-time reports to find new revenue streams,  increase client lifetime value, and save almost a full working day every week formerly spent on report creation. Here are four important ways her team uses these reports weekly:

  • Tracking agreement profitability by comparing hours devoted to hours targeted to maintain the service level and identify the reasons if profit targets are missed
  • Performing quick account “health checks” using the MSPCFO dashboard to identify service areas and clients that underperform
  • Capitalizing on upselling opportunities. A recent initiative converted 50% of sub-par accounts to profitability by upgrading them to new contracts with additional services
  • Retaining profitable clients by suggesting more complete use of the services they pay for so they can justify their relationship with Warren Averett

Katherine learned about MSPCFO from a co-worker and jumped at the chance to set up a demonstration. As a former engineer and business analyst with the company, she quickly saw the advantages of being able to drill into each fixed-fee agreement, client SLA, and engineering workflow.

“If you really want to deep dive into your profitability by agreement, employees’ projects, how you’re hitting or why you’re missing your targets, and where opportunities for growth exist, you have to take a more granular look, and it is essential to have MSPCFO,” Katherine notes.


How Warren Averett Uses MSPCFO Reports

She now uses MSPCFO’s pre-built, real-time reports to find new revenue streams,  increase client lifetime value, and save almost a full working day every week formerly spent on report creation. 


Here are four important ways her team uses these reports:

  • Tracking agreement profitability by comparing hours devoted to hours targeted to maintain the service level and identify the reasons if profit targets are missed
  • Performing quick account “health checks” using the MSPCFO dashboard to identify service areas and clients that underperform
  • Capitalizing on upselling opportunities. A recent initiative converted 50% of sub-par accounts to profitability by upgrading them to new contracts with additional services
  • Retaining profitable clients by suggesting more complete use of the services they pay for so they can justify their relationship with Warren Averett

Katherine learned about MSPCFO from a co-worker and jumped at the chance to set up a demonstration. As a former engineer and business analyst with the company, she quickly saw the advantages of being able to drill into each fixed-fee agreement, client SLA, and engineering workflow.

“If you really want to deep dive into your profitability by agreement, employees’ projects, how you’re hitting or why you’re missing your targets, and where opportunities for growth exist, you have to take a more granular look, and it is essential to have MSPCFO,” Katherine said. ​
How Warren Averett uses MSPCFO reports for Day-to-Day

She now uses MSPCFO’s pre-built, real-time reports to find new revenue streams,  increase client lifetime value, and save almost a full working day every week formerly spent on report creation. Here are four important ways her team uses these reports weekly:


  • Tracking agreement profitability by comparing hours devoted to hours targeted to maintain the service level and identify the reasons if profit targets are missed
  • Performing quick account “health checks” using the MSPCFO dashboard to identify service areas and clients that underperform
  • Capitalizing on upselling opportunities. A recent initiative converted 50% of sub-par accounts to profitability by upgrading them to new contracts with additional services
  • Retaining profitable clients by suggesting more complete use of the services they pay for so they can justify their relationship with Warren Averett

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